Call Before You Dig>
For locates visit Ontario One Call OR Call 1-800-400-2255 before you dig or drill into the ground.
This is a free service and there is no charge to you to have your services located and marked.
Before you start any digging around your house or business you must have locates for hydro, gas, cable, telephone, water, sanitary.
If you do not obtain locates you may cause damage and there may be a fine, fees to repair damaged utilities, and more. However, the most important reason to get locates is to put safety first!
Ontario One Call will need to know the following information:
- How deep will you be digging (in feet)?
- What is the full address where you will be digging?
- What is the telephone number at the dig site address (not a cell phone number)?
- What is the nearest intersecting road?
- Did you mark the area where you will be digging (with white paint or stakes)? (Yes? No?)
- Where on the property will you be digging? (Front, rear, or side)
- Will you be digging by machine or by hand?
- Date you plan to start digging. (require a minimum of one week after you call)
Ontario One Call will provide a confirmation number be sure to write this information down.
If you are the Contractor ensure you have the locate paperwork at the job site while working.
It is also the law under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act: all underground utilities must be located before you dig.
Locates, no matter how small the job! Call Before You Dig!

Tay Township
450 Park Street, PO Box 100
Victoria Harbour
ON L0K 2A0
Phone: 705-534-7248