2024 Year in Review>
Tay Township is pleased to present the 2024 Digital Year in Review. The review offers a captivating visual snapshot of the Township’s progress, accomplishments, and initiatives throughout the past year.
The inclusion of this review helps support the goal set out by Council in the Strategic Plan, to increase communication between the Township and residents. This review helps reaffirm the Township’s mission, to deliver responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of our residents and community.
Paper copies are available at the Tay Township Municipal Office, as well as at local Library branches.
For more information about the Year in Review please email communications@tay.ca or call 705-534-7248 x264.
Some of the highlights of projects and initiatives that were completed in 2024 include:
- Installation of six new electronic digital signs
- Raising of $68,000 to local charities from the Mayor's Charity Golf Tournament Tee Off With Tay
- Replacement of 140 streetlights with LEDs
- Providing Day Camp to 470 Campers
- Responding to 324 Emergency Calls
- Issuing 256 Building Permits
- Providing 425 Boat Launch Parking Permits
- Issuing 50 Marriage Licenses
- Offering 310 Programs through the Tay Township Public Library
Tay Township
450 Park Street, PO Box 100
Victoria Harbour
ON L0K 2A0
Phone: 705-534-7248
Fax: 705-534-4493
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