2022-2026 Inaugural Council Meeting

Date: November 18, 2022
Time: 4:00 p.m.
Tay, Ontario: Last evening, Tay Township Members of Council took their declarations of office in a ceremony followed by an inaugural address from Mayor Ted Walker.
Tay Township is governed by a seven-member Council elected every four years. Council is committed to accountability and transparency and abides by a code of conduct.
In addition to regular Council meetings, there are also several committees and boards that advise Council. For more details on when and where to watch council meetings please visit tay.ca/meetings and tay.ca/calendar.
The Inaugural Council Meeting can be viewed on the Tay Township YouTube channel.
Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of its residents and community.
Katelyn Johns
Municipal Clerk
Phone: 705-534-7248 x240
Email: kjohns@tay.ca
Elizabeth Smith
Communications Specialist
Phone: 705-534-7248 x264
Email: esmith@tay.ca
Tay Township Media Release - November 18, 2022 -2022-2026 Inaugural Council Meeting