Community Watch Program launches in Waubaushene Community

For Immediate Release:

Date: October, 8 2021

Time: 10:00 a.m.

Tay, Ontario: Dave Wark has called the Duffy Drive area home for more than 30 years. There are about 55 homes in the area and it’s a peaceful, friendly neighborhood. However, over the past several months Dave noticed an increase in suspicious activity, so he called the local detachment of the OPP who put him in contact with Sergeant Avery Bassett who is with the Community Mobilization and Engagement, Community Safety Services at the OPP.

Sergeant Bassett suggested the area implement a Community Watch Program. In order for it to be successful three key pieces needed to come together, “we now have the signage that has been put up by the Township, we have the OPP who have helped facilitate the start of the program and then we have Dave Wark as the Community Lead.”

A total of 40 local residents have signed up to be part of the program, learning how they can assist in making the community safer. It’s about having the local community be the eyes and ears of the OPP said Sergeant Bassett, “people who are part of the watch will be keeping their eyes open, and if they do see something suspicious they’re going to call it in to the Community Lead, who will call it in to the Police.”

Inspector Joe Evan’s Detachment Commander Southern Georgian Bay OPP says that the program has already proven successful, and shows how vitally important it is that the community work with their police, “We need the help of the community to take these criminals to court, put them before the court of law for the appropriate justice required, we couldn’t do that without the help of this Community Watch.”

Mayor Walker extends his thanks to all those involved in making the program a reality, “It helps make the community a better place to live and it makes a lot of people feel a lot more secure.”

Community Lead Dave Wark couldn’t agree more “We don’t have as many problems around here as we did.

It’s a heck of a lot better than it was, we’re all smiling.”

For more information on the Community Watch Program visit the OPP Community Mobilization and Engagement webpage.

Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of its residents and community. 



Elizabeth Smith

Communications Specialist

Phone: 705-534-7248 x264


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