Tay Township Firefighters awarded Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery

For Immediate Release:

Date: April 26, 2022

Time: 1:00 p.m.

Tay Ontario: Tay Township Fire Chief Shawn Aymer, and volunteer firefighters Jesse Bond, Earl Grigg and Brian Jarvis have been awarded the Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery for their individual acts of outstanding courage rescuing two people from a fire on January 8, 2018. The Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery was established in 1976 to honour firefighters for their individual acts of outstanding courage.

The Tay Township Fire Department received a call about a fire at a two-story home on January 18, 2018. Chief (Deputy Fire Chief at the time) Shawn Aymer was first on scene, he acted quickly and decisively to assess the well-being of two brothers and grandparents who had made it out. He determined that one brother had suffered severe burns and instructed the other to protect him from the elements. Aymer had no time to lose, as he had learned two occupants were still inside: a mother and child. He donned his gear, and as others arrived, he transferred command and entered the home with Firefighter Jesse Bond. They fought back the blaze, ascended the stairs through heavy smoke, and went room by room, racing against time.

Firefighter Earl Grigg, upon arrival, was assigned Second Team duty. The danger was evident; the house was engulfed in roaring flames, and heavy, hazardous smoke was emerging from the structure. Grigg and partner Brian Jarvis made their way quickly up the staircase, with the fire inside temporarily quelled. They met up with the First Team just in time and assisted with the removal of the unconscious mother. Aymer went back in and found the boy under a fallen dresser. Putting him over his shoulders, he followed the others to safety. A mother and child survived a terrible fire only because of the steadfast actions of these firefighters, who heroically put the safety of others first.

Mayor Walker expressed “on behalf of all of Tay Township, a big congratulations to Chief Aymer, Jesse, Earl and Brian. This medal should be worn with honour and pride, your courageous actions taken on January 18, 2018 were nothing but brave. Thank you once again for your dedication to the safety of our residents and their property.”

The COVID-19 pandemic delayed the opportunity to recognize the bravery of these frontline heroes. Her Honour, the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, celebrated 43 award recipients “All Ontarians owe a debt of gratitude to the 43 firefighters and police officers receiving this medal from across Ontario — separated by geography but connected by their heroism and service.”

The virtual awards ceremony was held on April 22, 2022 and presented awards to the 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 recipients of the Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery and the Ontario Medal for Police Bravery.

The four Tay Township firefighters have also been awarded medals of valour by the municipality.

Tay Township is committed to delivering responsive and cost-effective municipal services and infrastructure that provide for the long-term economic, social and environmental well-being of its residents and community.



Elizabeth Smith

Communications Specialist

Phone: 705-534-7248 x264

Email: esmith@tay.ca

Tay Township Media Release - April 26, 2022 - Tay Township Firefighters awarded Ontario Medal for Firefighter Bravery

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