Tay Township Presents: Meet the Fleet Saturday May 25, 2024

Tay Township invites family, friends, and the community to experience the exciting world of Public Works in an up-close and interactive way!
Tay Township will be celebrating this year's Public Works Week (May 19-25) by hosting a Meet the Fleet event. Learn more about what Public Works professionals do for our community to make it safe and fun all year round.
When: Saturday May 25, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Where: Veteran's Lane, Victoria Harbour.
*Tentative showcase of equipment: Operational Services Vehicles, Loader, Grader, Backhoe, Zero Turn Tractor, Plow Truck, Vac Truck, Portable Generator, Ambulance, Fire Trucks, OPP Marine Boat, Police Cruiser, Canadian Coast Guard Boat, NT Power Aerial Truck!
Have your chance to "Sign A Plow" and leave your mark on a piece of equipment that provides clear and safe roads during the winter.
In addition, the Royal Canadian Legion Victoria Harbour Branch 523 will be hosting a BBQ.
This event is free to the public. Let's celebrate our amazing Public Works Staff who go above and beyond to provide the community with front-line services that safeguard and enhance the quality of life in our Township.
We hope to see you there! For more information and an updated list of activities please visit tay.ca/events