Tay Township proclaims July 29 to August 11, 2024 as Fierté Simcoe Pride Season

WHEREAS this marks the thirteenth annual Simcoe Pride, and its purpose is to create a safe and inclusive Simcoe County that supports gender and sexual diversity through services, activities, and events; and
WHEREAS The Intersex Progress Pride flag is raised to honour gender and sexual diversity in Simcoe County. The Intersex Progress Pride flag was designed by Valentino Vecchietti in the UK in 2021. The flag is a combination of Gilbert Baker’s 1978 Pride flag, Daniel Quasar’s 2018 Progress Pride flag, and Morgan Carpenter’s 2013 Intersex flag. The flag is a symbol of the Pride movement and the advancement of human rights for sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, sex characteristics; and
WHEREAS Fierté Simcoe Pride was formed on May 13, 2012, and its mission is “to create and offer inclusive events, services, and educational opportunities that rise above heterosexism, heteronormativity and homo/bi/transphobia, promoting safe communities within Simcoe County”; and
WHEREAS; Fierté Simcoe Pride is filled with numerous events and activities that focus on education, awareness, community development, creative expression and fun for the whole family. Please visit www.fiertesimcoepride.com to learn more about FSP and its activities.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT I, Ted Walker, Mayor of the Township of Tay do hereby proclaim
July 29 to August 11, 2024
Fierté Simcoe Pride
in the Township of Tay, and I urge all citizens to be so aware.
Ted Walker - Mayor
Attachment: Proclamation