Tay Township raises flag and proclaims April as BeADonor Month

WHEREAS April is BeADonor Month in Ontario; and
WHEREAS the goal during BeADonor Month is to inspire those who have not yet registered consent for organ and tissue donation; and
WHEREAS almost 1,400 people in Ontario are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant and every three days someone will die waiting for an organ transplant; and
WHEREAS almost 1,400 people in Ontario are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant and every three days someone will die waiting for an organ transplant; and
WHEREAS 90% of Ontarians support organ and tissue donation yet only one in three (35%) of eligible Ontarians have registered their consent to donate; and
WHEREAS families almost always consent to donation when there is evidence a loved one registered their decision to donate, but in the absence of a registered donation decision, families consent only half of the time; and
WHEREAS everyone has the potential to be an organ and/or tissue donor, regardless of age or health; one organ donor can save up to eight lives and enhance the lives of up to 75 others through tissue donation; and
THEREFORE, I encourage all citizens to learn more about organ and tissue donation and transplantation and consider pledging their support to BeADonor Month by registering as a donor at BeADonor.ca.
I, Ted Walker, Mayor of the Corporation of Township of Tay do hereby proclaim the month of
April 2024
Mayor Ted Walker