(Updated December 21, 2023) Notice of Public Meeting for Development Charges Study - December 6, 2023

Please Note: Further to the Development Charges Public Meeting on December 6, 2023, the Township is continuing to accept public comments regarding the Development Charges Draft By-laws until January 3, 2024. Comments can be sent to Katelyn Johns, Municipal Clerk via email at kjohns@tay.ca or to the address below:

450 Park Street, PO Box 100, Victoria Harbour, ON, L0K 2A0


Regarding Development Charges

Take Notice that the Township of Tay Council is holding a public meeting on December 6th, 2023 at 7:00 PM to discuss proposed development charge rates as well as the policies that will be applied throughout the Township. Council will be considering the approval of updated development charges by-laws on a date following this public meeting.

Development charges are fees on new developments that fund growth-related costs to a municipality which are governed by the Development Charges Act, 1997. The Development Charges Background Study relates to the provision of eligible DC Services which includes Library, Fire Protection, Parks and Recreation, Services Related to a Highway, Sewer, and Water services.

The public meeting is an opportunity for the public to review and provide comments on the Development Charges Background Study and the proposed Development Charges By-law(s), as required under The Development Charges Act, 1997.

All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting in person:

        Date:                 Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

        Time:                7:00 PM

        Location:           Council Chambers, Tay Township, 450 Park Street, Victoria Harbour, ON, L0K 2A0

If you do not wish to participate, but would like to view the live stream of the Public Meeting, please visit the Tay Township Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@TayTownshipON/streams).

The proposed development charges by-laws will not be considered by Council at this meeting. The by-laws will be considered by Council at a future meeting, after considering comments received as part of the public meeting and the consultation process.

The Development Charges Background Study is available on the Township’s website at https://www.tay.ca/business-and-development/planning-and-zoning/ and the proposed Development Charges By-law(s) will be available by November 22, 2023.

Take Notice that any person may attend the public meeting and make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the study and by-law. Registration to speak and written comments should be directed to Katelyn Johns, Municipal Clerk, no later than November 29, 2023, so that necessary arrangements can be made with respect to the agenda. Comments can be sent electronically to kjohns@tay.ca or to the address below. Comments received before and at the public meeting will be considered by Council before making any changes to the development charges by-law.

Dated at the Township of Tay on the 10th day of November 2023.


2024 DRAFT DC By-Law 2024-XX - General ServicesRoads

2024 DRAFT DC By-Law 2024-XX - Wastewater Services

2024 DRAFT DC By-Law 2024-XX - Water Services

HEMSON Tay 2023 DC Background Study


Katelyn Johns

Municipal Clerk

Township of Tay

450 Park Street, PO Box 100

Victoria Harbour, ON L0K 2A0

T: 705-534-7248 x240 E: kjohns@tay.ca

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