Waubaushene Santa Claus Parade Committee Needs Volunteers!

The Waubaushene Santa Claus Parade Committee is looking for volunteers of all ages to help make this year's parade a magical event for the whole community!
Important Volunteer Dates:
- Saturday, November 23rd: Help needed for set-up and decorating the Fire Hall.
- Sunday, November 24th (Parade Day): Volunteers needed for final set-up, parade marshaling, walking in the parade in costume, and clean-up after the event.
If you're interested in volunteering or need more information, please contact the committee at 705-529-6820
or waubaushenesantaclausparade@gmail.com
This is a great opportunity for students to earn volunteer hours while having fun and spreading holiday cheer. Please share this message with your friends and family—the more, the merrier!