Information about trailer parking near the Albert Street Dock
With our unique natural beauty on the shores of Georgian Bay, our strong heritage, our recreation, leisure and tourism opportunities, it's no wonder that many full time and seasonal residents call Tay Township home.
Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit beach advisories and postings
Ontario Flood Forecasting and Warning Program
Waterfront Parks and Beaches
- Calvert Park - 171 Woodlands Avenue
- Magnus Beach - 102 Grandview Road
- Midland Bay Woods Park Bayview - 164 Bayview Avenue
- Midland Bay Woods Park Sunset Court - 106 Bayview Avenue
- Patterson Park - 180 Patterson Road
See the where to play in Tay map for a better look.
- MacKenzie Park - 6 Bergie Crescent
- Richard's Beach - 111-113 Maskinonge Road
- Albert St Beach/Park - 91 Albert Street
See the where to play in Tay map for a better look.
- Forest Harbour Park - 100 Forest Harbour Parkway
- Tanners Beach - 18 Acron Lane
- Waubaushene Beach - 3 Pine Street
See the where to play in Tay map for a better look.

Dogs at Beaches

By-law 2019-50 Section 3.0 - Dogs in Municipal Parkland reads:
3.1: No person shall enter a public beach area as defined by the Local District Health Unit with a dog either under control or at large, with the exception of a service animal, in the following Municipal Parklands unless in designated areas posted by sign:
- Albert Street Gazebo Park
- MacKenzie Park
- Magnus Beach
- Waubaushene Pine Street Beach
- Patterson Park
What does this mean?
Dogs are not allowed on the beach or in the water at the above listed beaches. They are allowed in the park area and must be on a leash.
When was this by-law enacted?
The by-law was enacted on June 26th 2019.
The following is a list of areas accessible to water. These areas are not part of the above By-Law. Please note that dogs must be on a leash when not in the water.
- Eplett Park – 320 Waldie Avenue
- Rope Park – 212 Ruta Road
- Bayview Park – 66 Forest Harbour Parkway
This is only a short list of locations, you can review Schedule “A” of by-law 2019-50 for a list of Land Designated as Municipal Parkland or Unopened Road Allowances.
Or you can call our By-law Department at 705-534-7248 ext. 248 or email them at
- No matter what type of fishing you do be sure to check the Ministry of Natural Resources rules and regulations first and don't forget your fishing licence.
- Ice fishing is a popular winter recreation activity in Tay. Before venturing out on the ice, check the local ice conditions.
- For further information on Ice Fishing or how to register your ice hut, visit the Ministry of Natural Resources website on ice fishing in Ontario.
Note: We do not permit the storage of ice huts on Township property.
Tay Township
450 Park Street, PO Box 100
Victoria Harbour
ON L0K 2A0
Phone: 705-534-7248
Send an Email