Paying Your Bill>
Below are several options available for making tax or water and wastewater payments to Tay Township
Payment Options
Payments can be made in person at the Tay Municipal Office using:
- Cash
- Cheque (made payable to Tay Township)
- Debit Card
- Money Order
We do not accept credit cards. Payments received will be applied first to all interest and penalties, then to arrears and finally to current levies.
Cheques can be placed in our After Hours Drop Box, located to the right of the front doors of the Municipal building at 450 Park Street, Victoria Harbour. Please include your payment stub together with your cheque. Do not place cash in the After Hours Drop Box.
Post-dated cheques submitted to the Municipal Office will be posted to your account based on the date recorded on the cheque.
Returned Cheques
Cheques returned for any reason by your financial institution are subject to an administration fee. Please ensure that your cheque is filled out completely and includes your signature.
Tay Township offers pre-authorized payment plans for both taxes and water and wastewater billing.
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan forms are also available at the Municipal Office.
If you are currently enrolled in one of our pre-authorized payment plans and wish to discontinue, please complete a cancellation form.
Telephone and online banking payments can be made through most major financial institutions.
You may also make in-person bill payments at most bank branches by setting up Tay Township as a Payee on your debit card. Each bank sets up its payees differently.
- Simply enter the word TAY - nothing more - and you should see a drop-down menu giving you all the options that include the word TAY. Select the appropriate option.
Tax Billing
- When setting up your tax account for telephone or online banking, please enter your 19-digit tax roll number - no spaces, no dashes. This is your account number.
Water and Wastewater Billing
- When setting up your water/wastewater account for telephone or online banking, please enter your 8-digit utility account number.
- Remember to enter all digits, but do not include the decimal.
Through Paymentus Corporation, a third party payment provider, you can pay your property tax or water and wastewater bill online by credit card.
- Please refer to your most recent bill for the account balance.
- We accept VISA or MasterCard.
- A service fee will be applied to the transaction by the service provider, Paymentus Corporation.
- 2.5% of the transaction amount for VISA and MasterCard
- 1.5% of the transaction amount for VISA Debit or MasterCard Debit
- Processing time for the payments to be applied to your account will be 2-3 business days.
To be redirected to the Paymentus Corporation payment site, click the link below

Account Information
To avoid penalties or interest charges, your property tax or wastewater payment must be received by our office on or before the set due date.
Penalty and interest charges for late payment are set by Municipal By-law in accordance with the Municipal Act.
- Taxes - 1.25% per month
- Water/Wastewater - 5% one-time penalty
Please retain your payment receipt for your records. When mailing in your payment, if you require a Township of Tay receipt, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope and a receipt will be mailed to you.
Duplicate copies of invoices, receipts and account printouts are subject to a service charge.
Please contact the Treasury Department if:
- you have not received a tax bill
- your mailing address has changed
- you would like your account balance
- you have received a tax bill, but no longer own the property
- your mortgage company pays your taxes, but the bill you received does not indicate this
- you would like to inquire about payment options
- you have received a reminder notice for an account you thought was paid
Water/Wastewater Information
Tax Information
- Invoices are issued quarterly in February, May, August and November of each year.
- These invoices are due on or about the 20th of each month of March, June, September and December.
Residential water and wastewater charges are billed at a flat rate, typically set by Council in November. Commercial customers are metered and billed on a monthly basis.
- Water $208.25 (quarterly) $833.00 (annually)
- Wastewater $277.00 (quarterly) $1108.00 (annually)
Commercial customers are metered and billed on a monthly basis:
Water Meter Rate $3.09 per cubic metre
Minimum Charge $69.42 minimum residential charge per service lateral (22.5 cm)
$55.53 minimum commercial charge per service lateral (18.0 cm)
Wastewater Meter Rate $4.10 per cubic metre
Minimum Charge $73.80 minimum residential charge per service lateral
$92.25 minimum commercial charge per service lateral
The owner of a property is responsible for the payment of all rates and charges for water and wastewater services, and the invoice shall be issued under the owner's name.
Since some rental leases provide for the payment of water/wastewater bills by the Tenant, Tay Township has created a Landlord/Tenant Agreement which, once completed, will allow us to send a duplicate water/wastewater bill to the Tenant.
It remains the responsibility of the property owner to ensure all water/wastewater bills are paid by the Tenant. If the Tenant should default on payment, the onus is on the property owner to make payment to Tay Township.
Please note that the water/wastewater account must be up to date before a property owner may enter into a Landlord/Tenant Agreement.
Failure to receive a water and wastewater bill does not relieve a resident from payment or liability from late payment penalty. Treasury Department staff have no authority to waive penalty or interest for any reason.
Penalty of 5% is applied to any outstanding water/wastewater account balance remaining after the due date.
A Reminder Notice is sent within 15 days after the due date and a Final Notice is sent approximately 40 days after the due date. The Final Notice allows the property owner 14 additional days to remit payment of the past due balance.
If payment is not received, the Township, as part of its collection procedure, will add the past due balance to the tax account together with a processing fee and may elect to disconnect water services.
There are a number of related fees associated with the connection and disconnection of your water services.
Interim Bill (all property classes)
- 1 st Installment - February 28, 2024
- 2 nd Installment - April 29, 2024
Final Bill (residential or farm class)
- 1 st Installment - June 28, 2024
- 2 nd Installment - September 30, 2024
Commercial or Industrial
- 1 st Installment - September 30, 2024
- 2 nd Installment - November 29, 2024
Tax payments are due on the last business day of the following months. Interest at 1.25% will be added on the first day following the due date as well as on the first day of each month thereafter. To reduce interest and penalty charges, payment must be received by the due date.
Failure to receive a tax notice does not relieve a taxpayer from payment of taxes or liability from late payment penalty. Treasury Department staff have no authority to waive penalty or interest for any reason.
Tay Township
450 Park Street, PO Box 100
Victoria Harbour
ON L0K 2A0
Phone: 705-534-7248
Sheryl Robitaille
Tax and Utility Coordinator
705-534-7248 ext. 227